Welcome To Right Advice


Right Advice Ltd was formed in July 2004 operating in Derby and Nottingham and is based on the principles of ensuring quality advice is provided to everyone whoever they are or whatever their circumstances.

The Directors Colin Maund & Patrick Baines started working together in Nottingham in 2002 where they quickly developed a strong working relationship each sharing their own expertise and values developing a strong emphasis on quality financial advice.

Colin joined the Financial Services Industry in 1977 and has enormous experience of the industry providing Financial Advice across the board on a wide range of topics especially to older clients and their families.

Patrick joined the Industry in 1988 working within large Institutions such as Prudential and The Inland Revenue.

Both have worked within large institutions in the past, and often found that advisers can become just a number or a profit generating part of a large corporation, where the emphasis was on how much business was completed by the adviser rather than the quality of advice. This was something they strongly believed to be fundamentally out of tune with their way of thinking and run their business now with a view to achieving a better customer outcome. Between them, Patrick & Colin have over 50 years of experience in Financial Services.

Right Advice aims to remain a small, flexible firm, ensuring time available to deliver quality advice to all clients. If you are in Derby or Nottingham please get in touch.